The 5 Elements Of Success in 2018: Part 2
Ok, so on Monday I was trying to get you to establish:
1: Where Are You Right Now?
2: Where Do You Want To Be at The End Of 2018?
I had some great responses, some genuinely inspirational goals being set.
Unsurprisingly, I also had a few unsubscribes.
You see the problem is I spoke the truth, and some people don't like it as it exposes chinks in your armour.
Some people choose to roll up their sleeves and do something about it, some people walk away and hope the next magic pill will come along soon.
So if you're still with me today, here's your five vital elements to how you can get the results in 2018.
You may have read them in our Complete Coaching Program Information Pack.
We have now adopted this as the backbone of our coaching programs across all of TRI Fitness.
From our fitness programs to our sports performance squads, this is generating BIG results!
“The most important result of accountability is trust.”
For you to generate a result in 2018, you need to be accountable.
Be accountable to yourself by proving you are willing to make a commitment and be responsible for your actions. You also need to declare your goals so that people will support you.
Be accountable to like-minded people, your friends and invest in people who you can turn to for guidance, advice, support to keep you on the correct path to your goal.
Commit to working hard for the fitness and lifestyle result you are looking for
Train with others who will push you onwards, we ALL become accountable to each other, to our training group and ourselves by committing to achieving our goals.
“Accountability Is The Glue That Ties Commitment To The Result”
“Do Not Dwell On The Past, Do Not Dream Of The Future, Concentrate The Mind On The Present Moment”
As You Evolve & move towards your goals, you’ll Begin To Piece The Fitness & Lifestyle Jigsaw habits together and establish what works well for you.
Success & Achieving Your Goal should never be based on a quick win, feel-good program.
Focus on the long lens. Put the pieces of results based jigsaw together, one piece at a time and make sure it is sustainable.
When all the pieces fit together, and the jigsaw nears completion, you will see a happier, healthier, leaner version of yourself bouncing for life.
“To succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.”
“Education Is The Most Empowering Force You Can Receive”
Education will create knowledge for you, build confidence for you and break down barriers of opportunity for you.
Educate yourself on Fitness Training, Mindset, Nutrition & Positive Focus, and you’ll build towards creating a stress-free environment, develop compelling training and nutrition habits with your outward perspective becoming so very much clearer and focused.
Daily Education can vary from 30 seconds pause for thought ideas through to education support that starts to form part of your daily routine.
Your result, much more streamlined results based and goal achieving the lifestyle that encompasses nutrition and fitness training support that won't overwhelm you.
“Clarity IS Power”
“Chase 1 Rabbit, You’ll Catch It, Chase 2 & You’ll Catch Nothing”
When making a BIG change to your nutrition, the temptation to become overwhelmed by the number of changes being forced upon you to make yourself lean, happy and healthier is phenomenal.
So rather than chase multiple rabbits and achieve nothing, focus on what is the most important change you can make first.
Educate yourself on the importance of good nutrition education.
Identify that maybe your breakfast is causing the weight gain and not setting you up for the day.
Commit & Spend the time required to make that change to a positive habit.
Once complete, move onto the next positive habit!
Learn how to apply the habit of making changes very gradually, which in turn become sustained and over time fall into the pattern of leading a healthier lifestyle.
Focus less on the numbers on your scales and move towards a natural focus on Body Composition.
I could write an article alone on how the use of scales has ruined many a good person body compositions, but we’ll save that for another day.
This will burst the myth that the scales are the ultimate result and let the long lens focus win every time.
The Truth Pill: “The Pill Everyone Wants, But All Struggle To Swallow”
Build Accountability, Mindset, Education and Nutrition into your success equation, and fitness becomes one of the easier and most enjoyable elements of the jigsaw to complete each week.
With four critical elements in place, your exercise prescription and training sessions will deliver outstanding results from your efforts in the training environment of your choice.
Experiment with Strength Training, Endurance Training and HIIT.
With the correct combination of these training methods, you will generate genuinely outstanding results.
Experiment with training on your own or in group sessions.
Ultimately aim to move and train up to 4 times per week for maximal results.
Finally, Invest in yourself!
One of my best moves professionally, for both my business development and personal athletic development has been to invest in a coach/mentor.
Having people to turn to when you need support or advice to keep you moving along the path to success you have chosen is one of the best pieces of information I have ever received and passed on myself!
You may well be able to achieve all your goals on your own, and if you can, I highly commend you.
But if you cannot, and you are determined that you will succeed, chose people who can help you all the way!
I wish you all the very best in 2018!
Russ Smith